
ThestandardportnumberforimplicitFTPSisport990.ListeningIPaddresses,ListstheIPaddressestolistenonforthisprotocol.Allnetworkinterfaces ...,Aportrangeof4460to4500isusedforthedataconnection.Note:UsersmayberequiredtoupdatenetworkfirewallsettingstoaccommodatetheFTPSportrange ...,,...FTPScontrolchannel,andport989/TCPfortheFTPSdatachannel....portnumberofadataconnectionnegotiatedbetweentheclientandFTPs...


The standard port number for implicit FTPS is port 990. Listening IP addresses, Lists the IP addresses to listen on for this protocol. All network interfaces ...

File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) connections

A port range of 4460 to 4500 is used for the data connection. Note: Users may be required to update network firewall settings to accommodate the FTPS port range ...


... FTPS control channel, and port 989/TCP for the FTPS data channel. ... port number of a data connection negotiated between the client and FTP server. ... ports. See ...


^ Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. [2019-08-18]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-26).

FTPS Port number, risks and alternative explained

2021年12月8日 — Each Port is assigned with a different number to indicate a specific service and hosts may listen to ports between 0 and 65,535 per IP address.


It usually runs over TCP port 21. SFTP - another, completely different file transfer protocol that has nothing to do with FTP. SFTP runs over an SSH session, ...

What firewall ports do I need to open when using FTPS?

2009年5月21日 — So, to answer your question: - depending on the FTPS Server configuration, you'll need to open port 21 or 990/989. However, just to be sure, you ...

What Is FTPS?

2022年4月27日 — FTPS uses TCP port 21 if it's an explicit connection and TCP port 990 if it's an implicit connection. SSL or TLS handshake. The client and ...

[Day24] 資料傳輸安全(通道加密)

隱含(Implicit):直接從連線一開始就使用SSL Socket進行通訊,網際網路號碼分配局IANA預設是將990作為隱含式FTPS的PORT,完成握手後,全部的內容都是加密的。 .NET ...